Law Of Attraction In The Bible – What Is the Christian Perspective?

The Law of Attraction (LOA) has gained significant popularity since the release of Rhonda Byrne’s book and documentary, ‘The Secret’, in 2006. It is a belief rooted in the New Thought movement, which emerged in the 1800s under the teachings of Phineas Quimby.

Proponents of LOA assert that one’s thoughts attract corresponding experiences from the universe. However, scientists and psychologists have criticized it as pseudoscience.

From a Christian perspective, the focus is on aligning with God’s will rather than manifesting desires.

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Understanding the Law of Attraction From a Christian Perspective

The Christian perspective on the Law of Attraction emphasizes reframing thoughts according to God’s Word and trusting in God’s care instead of putting energy into the universe. From this viewpoint, cognitive reframing and creative visualization have a scientific basis and can be beneficial for mental and physical health.

However, it is important to recognize that positivity and positive thinking do not have the power to create reality. Instead, Christians are encouraged to overcome evil with good and acknowledge the existence of trouble in this world.

The belief that the mind can overcome sickness and poverty, commonly promoted by proponents of the Law of Attraction, is not supported by biblical teachings. Christians believe in trusting in God’s sovereignty over his creation, both in good and bad times, and recognizing the limitations of positive thinking.

Criticisms and Concerns Surrounding the Law of Attraction

Critics argue that the Law of Attraction lacks scientific evidence and can be exploited by manipulative individuals. They assert that the pseudoscientific nature of the concept makes it susceptible to manipulation and abuse. Skeptics contend that the Law of Attraction requires belief and complete investment to determine its effectiveness, leaving room for con artists to take advantage of vulnerable individuals. Additionally, critics highlight the ideology’s tendency to blame the lack of positive vibes for failure, rather than critically examining the validity of the concept itself. Proponents of the Law of Attraction often dismiss criticism and fail to provide substantial evidence to support their claims. Overall, the lack of scientific backing and the potential for exploitation raise significant concerns about the Law of Attraction.

Criticisms and Concerns Surrounding the Law of Attraction
– Lack of scientific evidence
– Exploitation by manipulative individuals
– Requires belief and full investment to determine efficacy
– Blames lack of positive vibes for failure
– Proponents dismiss criticism and lack evidence

Cognitive Reframing and Creative Visualization in Christian Faith

Cognitive reframing and creative visualization have a scientific basis and can be utilized in faith practices. These techniques involve reshaping one’s thoughts and using mental imagery to achieve desired outcomes.

In the context of Christian faith, cognitive reframing encourages believers to align their thoughts with God’s Word and to trust in His care. It emphasizes the importance of focusing on positive and uplifting thoughts, which can improve mental and physical well-being.

Creative visualization, on the other hand, is about picturing oneself in a specific situation or outcome, guided by biblical principles. It can help individuals develop a clear vision of their goals and align their actions with God’s will.

The Limitations of Positive Thinking in Christianity

Positive thinking has its benefits for mental and physical well-being. However, within the context of Christianity, it has its limitations. In Christianity, positive thinking is not about manipulating reality or manifesting desires. It is about cultivating a mindset of trust in God’s providence. While positivity can improve mental and physical health, it cannot create reality or overcome all challenges. Christianity acknowledges the existence of evil and recognizes that trouble and suffering are part of the human experience. Christians are encouraged to trust in God’s care and sovereignty, seeking His will and aligning their thoughts and actions with His teachings. So, while positive thinking can be helpful, it is important to recognize its limitations within the framework of Christianity.

Source Energy, Manifestation, and God’s Will

The belief in source energy and manifestation, often associated with the Law of Attraction, may conflict with the concept of God’s will in Christianity.

From a Christian perspective, the idea of source energy implies that all humans originate from a universal force, whereas the Bible teaches that humans were created by God.

Additionally, manifestation suggests that individuals can attract their desires by focusing their thoughts and energy, whereas Christianity emphasizes the importance of aligning one’s desires with God’s will.

This concept of manifesting desires may contradict the Christian belief in trusting and relying on God’s care rather than trying to manipulate the universe.

Ultimately, the Christian perspective encourages believers to prioritize aligning with God’s will and trusting in His sovereignty, rather than seeking to manifest their own desires through source energy.

Rachel Howard

About The Author

Rachel Howard is the visionary voice behind, a sanctuary for those eager to tap into the limitless potential of the mind and the cosmos. Rachel and her team are dedicated to unraveling and disseminating the transformative principles that dictate our existence, such as the Law of Attraction, the Law of Abundance, and more.

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